Title: "Divine Harmony: Krishna and Radha's Eternal Dance"
This captivating painting captures the eternal love story of Lord Krishna and Radha in a mesmerizing dance. Radha swirls gracefully to Krishna's flute melody, embodying divine devotion and passion.
The artist's unique touch adorns the background with vibrant colors, symbolizing romance and longing. Perfect for gifting, it comes with a sleek black frame, ideal for tabletop display.
"Divine Harmony: Krishna and Radha's Eternal Dance" is a timeless portrayal of love's enduring power, inviting viewers into the enchanting realm of divine affection.
Handmade Radha Krishna Painting | Acrylics on Canvas | Framed Art
₹999.00 Regular Price
₹799.00Sale Price
- This Artwork is a HANDMADE Acrylic Painting of Radha Krishna on Canvas Board
- Frame included.
- Size with frame : 7"7"
- Frame Color: Black
- Varnished for safety and protection
- Comes with a stand behind the frame
- Painting will be professionally packed and shipped to you with utmost care.
- Painting will be dispatched within 5-7 business days , you will be notified with the updates
- Free shipping across India
- International shipping is Chargeable and Glass in the frame will not be included in International Shipping.
- Contact the Artist: +91 9372542620